/** * Changelog * * @package Modules Anywhere * * @author Peter van Westen * @link https://www.nonumber.nl * @copyright Copyright © 2016 NoNumber All Rights Reserved * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL */ /** * + Addition * ! Removal * ^ Change * # Fix */ 30-Mar-2016 : v4.2.0 + Adds ability to set the default Show Title setting + [FREE] Makes div tag options available in Free version ^ Adds version number to own css/js files ^ Improves handling of AcyMailing pages ^ Updates some HTML syntax 28-Jan-2016 : v4.1.4 # Fixes issue with plugin tags not being converted in smart search (finder) # Fixes issues with Joomla 3.5 and php7 compatibility 09-Dec-2015 : v4.1.3 # Fixes issue with showtitle=1 forcing chrome to xhtml when default is not none # Fixes issue with tags being converted in edit forms 03-Nov-2015 : v4.1.2 # Fixes issue with tags not getting interpreted 03-Nov-2015 : v4.1.1 # Fixes issue with overrides not working correctly with modules coming from upgraded J2.5 setups # Fixes issue with regular expressions not working on some php versions (5.6.14) 01-Oct-2015 : v4.1.0 + Adds ability to change the surrounding tag syntax characters ^ Improves handling of surrounding html tags ^ Updates translations: ja-JP # Fixes issue with chrome overriding not working with templates that contain a '-' 10-Aug-2015 : v4.0.3 # Fixes issue with missing language strings in editor button popup 09-Aug-2015 : v4.0.2 # Fixes issue with php error about call to a member function get() on a non-object on some components 07-Aug-2015 : v4.0.1 # Fixes issue with uninstallation getting into a loop # Fixes issue with upgrading not working 02-Aug-2015 : v4.0.0 ! [J2.5] Removes Joomla 2.5 support ^ Changes minimum requirement to Joomla version 3.4.1 ^ Recodes the installer # Fixes issue with assignments Advanced Module Manager not working in some cases # Fixes issue with chrome overrides not working anymore # Fixes issue with loadposition tag using a chrome not working # [PRO] Fixes issue with {div} tags without a class not getting replaced 19-May-2015 : v3.6.6 # [J3] Fixes issue with not being able to set module chrome when module style is selected in module 08-Apr-2015 : v3.6.5 ^ Updates translations: it-IT, sv-SE ^ [J3] Improves rendering speed on pages with large contents # [J3] Fixes issue with editor button showing to users without edit/create permissions # [J3][FREE] Fixes issue with error about undefined property disable_components 03-Mar-2015 : v3.6.4 ^ Updates translations: fr-FR, hu-HU # [PRO] Fixes issue with components select list only saving one value # [J3.4] Fixes issue with editor plugin showing in Extension Manager > Discover 12-Jan-2015 : v3.6.3 + [J3][PRO] Adds option to remove/keep plugin syntax on disabled components # Fixes issue with warning about empty needle # [PRO] Fixes issue with disable on components option not working 08-Jan-2015 : v3.6.2 + Adds translations: sr-YU ! Removes compatibility for php versions under 5.3.13 ! [J3] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.3.0 ^ Updates translations: pl-PL, pt-BR # Fixes issue with Free version being able to be installed over the Pro version 25-Nov-2014 : v3.6.1 # Fixes issue with error about nnFile on installation on some setups # Fixes issues with ignore assignments setting not working when Advanced Module Manager is not installed # [PRO] Fixes issues with duplicate rows in update_sites table 20-Oct-2014 : v3.6.0 + [J3][PRO] Adds option to show frontend editing mouse-over link # Fixes issue with plugin not working on jDownloads frontend view 01-Oct-2014 : v3.5.2 # Fixes issue with plugin not being run over introtext/fulltext on onContentPrepare event # Fixes issue with surrounding p and div tags not being handled correctly in some cases 16-Aug-2014 : v3.5.1 ^ Updates translations: et-EE # Fixes issue with loadposition tag not being handled if then are no module(s) tags in content 11-Aug-2014 : v3.5.0 + Adds translations: tr-TR ! [J3] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions under 3.2.2 ^ Refactores code ^ Updates translations: id-ID, lt-LT, ru-RU # Fixes issue with tags being converted in com_myjspace edit forms # [J2] Fixes issue with errors after upgrade to Joomla 3 # [J3] Fixes issue with incompatibility with new Advanced Module Manager assignments # [J3] Fixes issue with tags not being handled in search results 25-Apr-2014 : v3.4.3 ^ Updates translations: id-ID # Fixes issue with html structure issues when tags are directly inside html 5 elements # [J3.3] Fixes some Joomla 3.3 incompatibility issues 11-Apr-2014 : v3.4.2 + Adds translations: hu-HU, id-ID # Fixes issue with some missing language strings in some occasions 25-Feb-2014 : v3.4.1 ^ Improves rendering speed on list views # Fixes issue with breaking of xml view of com_jmap # Fixes issue with feeds being broken # Fixes issue with some missing language strings in some occasions # Fixes issue with tags being encoded in frontend edit views # [PRO] Fixes issue with html entities in parameter overrides 19-Dec-2013 : v3.4.0 ^ Improves some code in NoNumber Framework which improves page load speed # SECURITY FIX: Fixes issue with editor button popup window being accessible to all registered users 26-Nov-2013 : v3.3.6 # Fixes installation error about duplicate entry on some MySQL 5.6 setups # [J3.1] Fixes issue with fatal php error about using $this 08-Nov-2013 : v3.3.5 # [J3.1] Fixes issue with modal popups not working 07-Nov-2013 : v3.3.4 # Fixes issue with tags in Sourcerer code being converted # Fixes issue with tags in some text and textarea fields being converted # [J3] Fixes Joomla 3.2 compatibility issues 16-Oct-2013 : v3.3.3 # [FREE] Fixes issue with update failing due to false message about using old version from before Free/Pro 16-Oct-2013 : v3.3.2 + Adds translations: bg-BG, fa-IR, nb-NO, pt-PT, ro-RO ^ Changes javascript minification to use Google Closure ^ Updates translations: ar-AA, ar-SA, el-GR, es-ES, ja-JP, ru-RU, sv-SE # Fixes issue with header stuff (javascript/css) not always being added in category views 25-Sep-2013 : v3.3.1 # Fixes issue with opening tags not being converted on some setups # Fixes issue with tags not being handled when site has invalid html structure # Fixes issue with tags sometimes appearing in title tags and title attributes 09-Aug-2013 : v3.3.0 ! [J2] Removes compatibility for Joomla 2.5 versions lower than 2.5.10 ! [J3.0] Removes compatibility for Joomla 3 versions lower than 3.1.0 # [J3.0] Improves rendering speed on list views # [J3] Fixes issue with editor button not getting styled correctly on TinyMCE 19-Jun-2013 : v3.2.5 ^ Improves minification of js files ^ [J2] Converts images in (editor) buttons to font icons # [J3] Fixes issue with Module Style select in editor popup not working 30-May-2013 : v3.2.4 + Adds translations: bs-BA ^ Updates translations: et-EE, nl-NL, pl-PL # Fixes issue with article security settings being applied to modules that have content prepare enabled 28-Mar-2013 : v3.2.3 + Adds translations: pl-PL ^ Changes messaging on installation on unsupported Joomla versions ^ Cleans up some code (syntax) ^ Updates translations: sl-SI 09-Feb-2013 : v3.2.2 + Adds less files for generating css files ^ Minifies css files ^ Updates translations: fr-FR, pt-BR, th-TH # Fixes some issues with installation breaking and throwing errors on some setups # [J2] Fixes issue with editor button not having icon due to missing css file 11-Jan-2013 : v3.2.1 # Fixes issue of slowness due to looping when modules hav caching switched off 10-Jan-2013 : v3.2.0 + Adds option to ignore the caching setting of the module to force handling on article level + Adds option to overrule the ignore_caching setting via the tag + Adds possibility to set array values in overrides like: [1,2,3,"foo","bar"] # Fixes issue with modules that have no caching options not being handled at article level 30-Dec-2012 : v3.1.1 # Fixes issue with RAXO modules not being handled on article level because RAXO messes with core param names # Fixes issue with stylesheets and javascripts not being handled on modules that have caching set 29-Dec-2012 : v3.1.0 ^ Cleans up code ^ Modules with caching off will no longer be placed at article level, to prevent article caching module output ^ Moves media files to Joomla media folder # Fixes error about XML setup file on first install 11-Dec-2012 : v3.0.3 ! [J2] Removes ability to install on Joomla versions lower than 2.5.7 # [J2] Fixes issue with errors about xml files on installation 27-Nov-2012 : v3.0.2 # Fixes issue with tags sometimes not being replaces on some setups # [J2] Fixes issue with error about search in editor button popup 14-Nov-2012 : v3.0.1 # Fixes issue with error messages about XML file on installation on some setups 11-Nov-2012 : v3.0.0 + [J3] Adds Joomla 3 support ! [J1.5] Removes Joomla 1.5 support ^ Updates translations: et-EE 01-Nov-2012 : v2.3.3 ! [J1.5] LAST VERSION COMPATIBLE WITH JOOMLA 1.5 ^ Updates translations: da-DK, nl-NL # [J2] Fixes issue with empty modules outputting chrome when hide-if-empty option is on (via AMM) 25-Sep-2012 : v2.3.2 + Adds possibility to set chrome via style= parameter in tag ^ Updates translations: de-DE, ja-JP, th-TH ^ [FREE] Fixes issue with showtitle overriding not working 13-Sep-2012 : v2.3.1 # Fixes issue with tags being handled in edit for of jcal, jevent and some others # [J2][PRO] Fixes issue with overriding parameters not working (since v2.3.0) 07-Sep-2012 : v2.3.0 + Adds ability to override the ignore_access and ignore_assignment settings from the tag + Adds option to ignore the assignment settings (default = ignored) + Adds option to ignore the modules access level ^ Updates translations: it-IT, th-TH 31-Jul-2012 : v2.2.0 + Adds ability to override the override_state setting from the tag + Adds support for {div} tags back to Free version ^ Adds checks for Advanced Module Manager module assignment settings ^ Improves messaging when modules are not shown for whatever reason ^ Updates translations: de-DE, lt-LT, nl-NL ^ [J2] Adds checks for module date assignment settings 13-Jul-2012 : v2.1.9 ^ Updates translations: de-DE, nl-NL, pt-BR, zh-TW # [J2][PRO] Fixes issues with poorly coded modules still using old style params, like swMenuPro 02-Jul-2012 : v2.1.8 # [J1.5] Fixes issue with PHP error about Class NNText not found (wasn't fixed in v2.1.7) 02-Jul-2012 : v2.1.7 # [J1.5] Fixes issue with PHP error about Class NNText not found 29-Jun-2012 : v2.1.6 ! Removes ability to install on Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 ^ Cleans a lot of code ^ Made database queries multi-database compatible ^ Updates translations: et-EE, sl-SI, th-TH ^ [J2] Changes type selectbox in editor button popup to show real names # Fixes issue with tags being interpreted inside the Josetta form # [FREE] Fixes issue with PHP notice about undefined property override_settings # [J2] Fixes issue with filters in editor button popup not working 08-Jun-2012 : v2.1.5 + Adds ability to customize the selectable styles (chromes) + Adds ability to manually set the default style (chrome) (textfield instead of dropdown) + Adds translations: sv-SE ! Removes ability to install on setups with php 5.2 or lower ^ Updates translations: es-ES, lt-LT 10-May-2012 : v2.1.4 # [FREE] Fixes issue with PHP notice about undefined property articles_security_level 09-May-2012 : v2.1.3 # Fixes issue with installation failing (conflicted-copy) 09-May-2012 : v2.1.2 + [J2] Adds display of module note in list 03-May-2012 : v2.1.1 # Fixes issue with modules not passing access level check correctly 01-May-2012 : v2.1.0 + Adds translations: cs-CZ, zh-TW + [PRO] Adds ability to also override main settings of module like showtitle and access ^ Improves protecting of edit forms to only protect fields (so tags work outside form fields) ^ Increases page load speed by changing how xml files are loaded ^ Updates translations: da-DK 12-Apr-2012 : v2.0.3 # Fixes issue with language strings not being converted in editor button popup 12-Apr-2012 : v2.0.2 # Fixes issue with use of style and params in tags not working 10-Apr-2012 : v2.0.1 # SECURITY FIX: Fixes URL injection vulnerability in NoNumber Framework 07-Apr-2012 : v2.0.0 + Adds translations: et-EE ^ Changes some language strings ^ Cleans up code syntax ^ Improves handling of other plugin style tags inside the {module} tags ^ Moves editor button settings to system plugin ^ Now available as Pro and Free version ^ Updates translations: sl-SI # Fixes issue with installer not removing the folder/zip from the tmp # [J1.7+] Fixes styling issues in Editor Button popup 18-Nov-2011 : v1.13.3 # [J1.7] Fixes issue with Editor Settings not working 06-Nov-2011 : v1.13.2 + Adds option to add show/hide title parameter to tag from modal window ^ Cleans code syntax (no longer guaranteed support for php 5.2.x and lower) 08-Oct-2011 : v1.13.1 # Fixes security issue in NoNumber Framework plugin 08-Oct-2011 : v1.13.0 ^ Cleans up some code (like no more use of DS) ^ Improves installer ^ Moves translation language files to main package (no more language packs) # Fixes issue with tags being handled in editor button popup 16-Sep-2011 : v1.12.0 ^ Changes NoNumber Elements plugin to NoNumber Framework ^ Moves common language strings to NoNumber Framework files # Fixes issue with surrounding whitespace 05-Aug-2011 : v1.11.8 # [J1.5] Fixes issue error on datetime.php # [J1.7] Fixes issue with modules with user group selections not working properly 04-Aug-2011 : v1.11.7 # [J1.5] Fixes issue with setting elements not working 04-Aug-2011 : v1.11.6 # Fixes issue with php error in feeds # [J1.7] Fixes issue with modules with user group selections not working properly 25-Jul-2011 : v1.11.5 # [J1.7] Fixes issue with editor button popup not working (error) 21-Jul-2011 : v1.11.4 ^ Changes layout of options ^ Changes use of elements # Fixes issue with JEventHandler error on some setups # Fixes some issues with surrounding tags and whitespace # [J1.7] Fixes issue with articles with higher access level showing 20-Jun-2011 : v1.11.3 # [J1.5] Fixes issue with installation problems 18-Jun-2011 : v1.11.2 # [J1.7] Fixes issue with missing language string # [J1.7] Fixes issue with overriding array settings 18-Jun-2011 : v1.11.1 + Adds ability to overrule parameters with curly brackets in value (by adding leading backward slash) # Fixes issue with tags not working outside component area of disabled components # [J1.7] Fixes issue with parameter overriding not working (thanks David-Hai Gootvilig) 23-May-2011 : v1.11.0 + Joomla 1.7 compatible! # Fixes issue with some non-UTF-8 pages breaking 30-Mar-2011 : v1.10.3 ^ Adds break to prevent looping of module inclusion ^ Made code a little lighter # Fixes issue plugin being executed on raw format pages # Fixes issue with some non-UTF-8 pages breaking 25-Mar-2011 : v1.10.2 # Fixes issue with leading/trailing paragraph/div tags not being handled well # Fixes issue with search component breaking in some cases # Fixes issue with special characters (UTF-8) 17-Mar-2011 : v1.10.1 ^ Changes language files to be J1.6 ready # Fixes issue with editor button not working for registered/author level # Fixes issue with problems when html has multiple body tags # Fixes issue with tags being interpreted in frontend editor fields with very large contents 11-Feb-2011 : v1.10.0 ^ Changes extension icon / logo # Fixes issue with overruling parameters with equal or bar signs in the value # Fixes issue with public access to editor button popup page (security fix!) 13-Dec-2010 : v1.9.2 # Fixes issue with conflicting characters in language file 12-Dec-2010 : v1.9.1 # Cleans up some code # Fixes issues with document being called to early # Fixes some issues with compatibility with AcyMailing # Fixes some issues with loading of language strings 25-Nov-2010 : v1.9.0 + Adds checks to see if NoNumber Elements plugin is installed/enabled ^ Fixes and updated all language strings ^ Improves code to make it lighter/faster # Fixes issue with tags being handled in edit fields 16-Nov-2010 : v1.8.0 # Fixes extension causing pages to break on some setups # Fixes issue with not working in some forms (where they should) 15-Nov-2010 : v1.7.0 ^ Improves code to make it lighter/faster ^ Made syntax also be handled in AcyMailing ^ Moves popup styles and images to NoNumber Elements plugin # Fixes issue with div tags not being placed through Editor Button # Fixes issue with tag names not being taken from settings through Editor Button 18-Oct-2010 : v1.6.0 + Adds ability to wrap output in styled div tags ^ Changes layout of Editor Button popup popup window a little ^ Changes tooltips ids/titles/aliases of articles in list in Editor Button popup window # Fixes issue with comment tags not being true HTML compliant 24-Jul-2010 : v1.5.2 ^ Changes way version and license information are displayed (now via ajax) ^ Changes way versions and licenses are checked (no more base64) ^ Made code a little lighter 23-Jun-2010 : v1.5.1 # Fixes issue with code looping, causing page timeouts 22-Jun-2010 : v1.5.0 + Adds ability to override module parameters in module tag ^ Improves code (=faster) # Fixes issue with feeds not working 22-May-2010 : v1.4.1 # Fixes issue with ordering not working in (editor button) modal popup # Fixes issue with some language strings not being loaded # Fixes styling of notice in (editor button) modal popup 12-May-2010 : v1.4.0 + Adds option to not place the HTML comments # Fixes issue with editor button popup page being accessible to all # Fixes issue with module settings not always working # Fixes issue with modules cache not being used 13-Feb-2010 : v1.3.4 ^ Changes the License Code check (now controlled by the License Manager) # Fixes errors regarding preg_match_all # Fixes incorrect message about plugin not being installed (in editor button settings # Fixes issue with errors about registry for php 5.0.5 # Fixes wrong version number in xml file 29-Jan-2010 : v1.3.3 + Adds option to ignore published state of modules ^ Reduces number of database queries # Fixes issue with assignment to JACL user group levels not working correctly # Fixes issue with deprecated syntax for php 5.3+ # Fixes issue with false message about system plugin missing # Fixes issue with preg_match_all error in some cases (when article author is not set) 26-Jan-2010 : v1.3.2 # Fixes location of Joomla! DTD files # Fixes tags with style not working 22-Jan-2010 : v1.3.1 # Fixes issue with editor button placing half a comment tag (breaks editor on IE) 20-Jan-2010 : v1.3.0 + Adds Commercial License Code support + Adds option to not display icon in editor button + Adds option to set text in editor button ^ Changes file encoding to UTF-8 ^ Improves styling of editor button popup ^ Made settings react a little faster (toggling options) # Fixes issue with module tag still being handled within head # Fixes issue with modules being handled in editor on frontend # Fixes issue with titles with special characters 09-Oct-2009 : v1.2.0 ^ Changes the update check ^ Changes to make module tag only be handled within body tag (not in head) # Fixes issue with errors on articles with no creator # Fixes issue with language file not being loaded (comments in html not readable) # Fixes issue with popup not being able to open on some setups 08-Aug-2009 : v1.1.4 # Fixes issue with errors regarding "Call to a member function get() on a non-object" on some modules 07-Aug-2009 : v1.1.3 # Fixes issue with errors in feeds when using K2 20-Jul-2009 : v1.1.2 ^ MODA tags will not show anymore when server runs out of memory # Fixes issue with modules with numeric names not working # Fixes issue with pagination and ordering not working in Modules Anywhere editor button popup window 14-Jul-2009 : v1.1.1 # Fixes issue with module tags still being converted in edit page when there are forms in the text 14-Jul-2009 : v1.1.0 + Adds jumper setting ^ Changes auto installer # Fixes issue with module tags in articles being converted to modules when editing in frontend # Fixes issue with update notification not working correctly 08-Jun-2009 : v1.0.0 + Adds an editor button to easily insert the {module} tag + Adds options for components and other areas + First stable release Changes since Modules in Content v0.1.3: Modules Anywhere is based on Modules in Content. ! Removes update icon in administrator toolbar ^ Changes different administrator elements ^ Changes installation procedure (automatic installer/updater) ^ Changes the way plugin works so you can use the syntax everywhere (not only in articles) ^ Changes update notification # Fixes issue with style overruling not working